
Ten years ago our neighbours were transferred to another tea estate. They left on Christmas Day and gave us a puppy. My sister wrapped it in a cloth and gave it a full jug of milk to drink. I did not like it because it was ugly.
I came to Colombo soon after and didn't return for two or three months. When I arrived back a big fat dog came out of the house and started barking at me. Amazingly the small puppy had become a big dog although he was still called "Puppy."
Other dogs looked very small in comparison to him. He was a very peculiar dog.
One day when I set off to catch the bus for Colombo with my bags. As I was walking I heard something coming after me. I looked back, it was Puppy. He jumped all over me with his muddy paws, howled and licked me all over. I tried to chase him away but he wouldn't go. When the bus came he leapt aboard and wanted to come with me. I was so embarrassed! Everyone was looking at me. I had to get off the bus and was only saved by my sister who arrived with a chain and with the greatest difficulty carried him off home.
My family said that Puppy used to eat small goats and would return home with a full tummy and sleep it off for hours on end. He we went anywhere by car he would chase after us and returning home would refuse to eat for days.
This is not the only story about Puppy--there are many others. But the saddest part is that Puppy is not with us today he died three years ago of distemper.

The Lunatic and the Doctor

One day a doctor is walking around the wards in a psychiatric hospital. He saw a lunatic running at him with a mango in one hand and a knife in the other. The doctor thought the lunatic was going to kill him so he ran.
After a few minutes the doctor came to the end of a corridor with no doors or windows...he was trapped. He prayed and closed his eyes.
After a moment the lunatic rushed up to the doctor and said:
"Oh, doctor! I'm exhausted. I never thought it would be so difficult to offer you a piece of mango!"

The Tramp

A tramp was sleeping on a park bench late at night. A man and woman were walking past. One of them tapped him on the shoulder and asked,
"Excuse me! what is the time?"
The tramp was very annoyed at being woken up.
"I don't know!" he said angrily. "I haven't got a watch" and he went back to sleep.

Sometime later another man was passing. He woke the tramp up and said
"I'm sorry to bother you' but I wonder if you could tell me what the time is it".
Again the tramp said he didn't know.

By this time he was very fed up, and he asked himself:
"How come these insane people don't let me sleep?".
He started thinking for a while and..
"Ah...I've a nice idea!"
Then he got a pen and a piece of peaper and wrote:
"There you go!" he said and he kept the paper on the bench and went back to sleep.

After an hour later, a policeman was passing. He read the sign, woke the tramp up and said:
"It's 2.30 sir"

Our Little Secret!

This happened when I was in grade II. There was a small nelli tree behind the classroom. When the nelli fruit comes we usually pluck and eat it. As there weasn't any fruit close to the ground we had to get them from the upper branches using a long stick.
One day when we couldn't find a long stick we thought we would shake the tree to get the fruit down. We grabbed a large branch but it snapped off and we hurt ourselves.
As we did all of this without permission we had to hide the evidence. We threw leaves into the dustbin and we hid the branch inside a cupboard. Until now no one knows what damage we did. Up until now we were safe it was our secret.

Saris, Hymnbooks & Farewells

I left school this year. I studied at Bishop's College and I have many memories.
The happiest day in my school career was the day I got my Ordinary Level examination results. I had passed so well and my parents and teachers were so happy. Another fantastic day was when we had our school sari party. It was the first time I had worn a sari. All the students were in grade 13 and 14 and we enjoyed it so much. I danced with all my friends and it was a wonderful day.
There were two sad moments in my school life. One was the day me and my friends got punished by the Principal. The Science Society had organized a seminar on Physics. The exam was so near so me and my friends thought not to participate but to stay at home to study. So we didn't go to school on that day. The President of the Science Society was so angry with us she complained to the Principal. The Principal punished us by making us stay after school to paste torn hymn books. I was so sad because this was the first time I had been punished at school.
The other sad day was the day I left school. It was the saddest day in my life because I had to finish my schooling and wouldn't be able to see my friends again. We thanked all the teachers for their help and said goodbye, but left with sweet memories.

Happy Schooldays

On schooldays my parents made me get up at 4.30am. I was not allowed to play or watch TV until I had finished my homework.
At school I was very happy. My favourite teacher was Chamila de Silva. My favourite subject was Japanese. But I hated Social Studies. On schooldays we had lunch together at school and we had half an hour free time before the next lesson.
I had a lot of friends. Even now we are still good friends such as Malithi, Kumudika, Amoda and Mayuri.
We enjoyed sports meetings and musical concerts. At the end of term we had plays, class parties and games.
They were very happy schooldays!

Balls in School

One day we were in our classroom studying and talking. We were preparing for our Advanced Level exam. Suddenly one of my friends threw a ball and hit another student. He threw it back and soon the whole class was throwing the ball and running around.
Our classroom was on the upper floor and used to be a hall so there was plenty of space to move about.
Then I got the ball and threw it at a friend. Unfortunately it missed him and went straight through an open window into the chemistry lab next door. It hit a tray of lab equipment and some glass test tubes and beakers were broken.
Suddenly the class went silent and all the students went back to their work as if nothing had happened.
Then a teacher came into the class and asked who threw the ball. My friends told me to keep silent. The teacher informed the sectional head who came to the classroom. He was a good teacher so we decided to tell him what happened.
He didn't punish us but told us to replace the broken lab equipment. I tried to buy the things but I couldn't find them, so I gave money to the lab assistant.
The problem was solved easily and fairly.


A feeling of pride and pleasure from being shown respect. I like this word because its meaning is very smart and respectful.

Our Favourite Words

VIRTUE- Someday we may lose our hair, our teeth, our looks or even all our property. But there's something we won't lose, 'Virtue', because it never grows old. It'll always be your best friend till eternity.
So what could be better? I love it.
INVISIBLE- The meaning is some strange thing that the human eye cannot see.
It sounds fantastic and hints suspicion also, I like that.
WISDOM- We don't receive wisdom. We must discover it for ourselves. We have to be very keen to get it, very eager for it and dedicated to it. There's no way we can stand and stare or think about being tired, weak or about things coming easily. It's tiring, it's hard but when we look back at the end, it's about strength and power; no one can steal it.
Don't just stand there. Get busy!
ENTHUSIASM- A feeling of being inspired or the inspiration a person has.
I the sound of this word most of all: it makes me feel fresh and cool.
VISION- If there's no vision, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. No matter what our age or condition is there're still untapped possibilities within us and there's a vision. Cherish it; that's the mother and the print of your ultimate achievements.
SOLDIER- It means a brave person who is dedicated to save his own motherland in the military. The main reason for me to like this word is, basicaly the meaning. In our country soldiers are highly valued people and when I hear this word I feel honour and pride in my country.
PARTICULAR- This word means giving special attention to a thing. I like the pronunciation of this word and its sound.
NATURE- It signifies our beautiful surroundings and all the natural things in the world. Nature is the closest thing to us. We cannot survive without it and we must treasure it.
ENCOURAGE- give confidence, strength or hope as in saying "you can do it", "you can win", "you're the best", "go ahead" or "never give up". If you want to give the finest gift to anyone this is it. Every single living being needs this to grow - even plants and wild animals. If everyone received this genius would blossom and the world would produce in abundance beyond dreams. Give it with all your heart and mean it!
MISTAKE-not right or correct; an error, the wrong thing. The value of an action is measured by 'mistakes'. Where there is a great action there'll be a great 'mistake', but 'mistakes' show us what we need to learn. If there are no 'mistakes' there is no chance to learn.


I love this word because the image of a shining apple comes to my mind every time I hear it.
This is the apparatus with which we think we think.


When I hear this word a feeling comes to my mind, "I can do anything."

Bus to Kandy

There were amazing days when I was at school.
One day we went on a trip to Kandy. We sang songs during our journey. On the way the bus broke down. We got down from the bus and sang and danced.
It was very funny for all girls.
We enjoyed it so..... much.


Experience is the worst teacher. It gives the test before presenting the lesson.


NATURE-Nature is the environment around us. Nature has given us so many gifts such as animals,trees and birds.We can relax ourselves by looking at the nature.If we live according to the nature we can live happily.
BLUE-My favourite colour is blue.If something is this colour it is very beautiful & attractive. Blue is one of the most seen colours in the world because sky is blue and the sea is blue.
DOCTOR-A doctor is a person who gives medical treatment to sick people & a person who devotes his life for people. My ambition is to be a Doctor. I would also like to devote my life to poor people & help them as much as I can.
LOVE-Without love we can't live. We want this and it is very familiar to all of our hearts. One of the most beautiful words that we can find.
MOTHER-A person that gives birth to a child.I love my mother a lot. She stays like a shadow behind me & helps me a lot. She is always with me in happy moments and sad moments. She always has advice for me to be a good citizen.
DREAM-We can see what we would like to see & the things we are thinking of & the things we love.


Shopping is better than sex,because if you're not satisfied after the shopping you can make an exchange for it.

The Water Bottle Incident

We went to a single sex school. Every day was full of unforgetable memories. We enjoyed ourselves as much as we could.
Our class overlooked the road. A lot of cars and vans parked there. The drivers often stood near the vehicles. One day we emptied our water bottles out of the window.
The water poured onto the heads of the people below and they got very wet. They scolded us and reported us to the Principal. So the principal got angry and came to our class room to tell us off. She punished us by making us stand on our chairs for an half an hour. We couldn't stop laughing as we did it!

The School Cleaner

It happened in my Adannced Level class, in grade 12. Cleaning the class room before starting school at 7.30 a. m. was one of the main duties of students to be fulfilled as groups. This was our day of cleaning.
This day, we were not able to clean our class room on time, because all members of our group were late. While we were starting to do cleaning, our class teacher came to start the Logic lesson in first period. After seeing the untidiness of the class, he was got very upset and angry. He looked at us and shouted. For the purpose of giving punishment to us, he took the broom and cleaned the room by himself. We were not allowed to do any cleaning.
He wanted us to see "how cleaning is done."


Last month I saw the Transformer film with my friends at home, it was really exciting and the plot was fantastic. The lead actor was handsome and the lead actress was also pretty, nice and intelligent as well. That would be my favourite film because I like films a lot such as science fiction films, action films, cartoons, love stories, and comedies. But now I don't have time to watch films much, just sometimes because I want to improve my English as much as I can.
On the other hand, I think it'd be better to spend time on reading to make good progress in English. In the last few days I have read a bookwhich said " BE A DOER NOT A DREAMER" , what you dream about is what you will do in the future. Love what you do, if you don't love what you do you cannot make it through. Passion is more important than brains and talent. You have to make up a big dream if you never have a big dream, it means you are not going to make anything succeed in your life. If you love what you do you are going to work hard. That's what I really wanted to say " The harder you you work the luckier you get".

An Unforgettable Situation

It was last month. As usual I went to chemistry class. On that day I met a strange girl named Sajeena. When I looked at her, she saw me and began to look at me. Then I smiled with her,but she didn't smile back. Then in the interval I went to her and invited her to come with me for a coffee. But unfortunatelly she refused my invitation.
We began to meet on Mondays regularly. I thought that as a result of our meeetings we had buildt up a friendship. Then I asked her to come for a coffee with me again. This time she accepted my invitation and came with me.
I think I'm falling love with her,I thought she also the same. Then suddenly I said "SAJEENA I LOVE YOU".
I think she was shocked and start to think. Then she said "No I dont like you"!!!
But I calmly said that "I LOVE YOU" again. Then she began to cry and scold me. Furiously she gave me a huge slap.
I didn't meet her for three weeks. Then one day I saw her at the bus stop. I went to her and asked "What do you think of me?".
Suddenly she said "I like you". I felt like I was flying!!! It was so amazing. After that I gave her my phone number and took her phone number too. Now we are calling each other every day.
Now we are happy!!!!Praise the lord!!!!!!!



"A great interest and pleasure in something, for pleasure not profit." I like this word because its meaning is very deep but the word itself is short and sweet.