VIRTUE- Someday we may lose our hair, our teeth, our looks or even all our property. But there's something we won't lose, 'Virtue', because it never grows old. It'll always be your best friend till eternity.
So what could be better? I love it.
INVISIBLE- The meaning is some strange thing that the human eye cannot see.
It sounds fantastic and hints suspicion also, I like that.
WISDOM- We don't receive wisdom. We must discover it for ourselves. We have to be very keen to get it, very eager for it and dedicated to it. There's no way we can stand and stare or think about being tired, weak or about things coming easily. It's tiring, it's hard but when we look back at the end, it's about strength and power; no one can steal it.
Don't just stand there. Get busy!
ENTHUSIASM- A feeling of being inspired or the inspiration a person has.
I the sound of this word most of all: it makes me feel fresh and cool.
VISION- If there's no vision, life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly. No matter what our age or condition is there're still untapped possibilities within us and there's a vision. Cherish it; that's the mother and the print of your ultimate achievements.
SOLDIER- It means a brave person who is dedicated to save his own motherland in the military. The main reason for me to like this word is, basicaly the meaning. In our country soldiers are highly valued people and when I hear this word I feel honour and pride in my country.
PARTICULAR- This word means giving special attention to a thing. I like the pronunciation of this word and its sound.
NATURE- It signifies our beautiful surroundings and all the natural things in the world. Nature is the closest thing to us. We cannot survive without it and we must treasure it.
ENCOURAGE- give confidence, strength or hope as in saying "you can do it", "you can win", "you're the best", "go ahead" or "never give up". If you want to give the finest gift to anyone this is it. Every single living being needs this to grow - even plants and wild animals. If everyone received this genius would blossom and the world would produce in abundance beyond dreams. Give it with all your heart and mean it!
MISTAKE-not right or correct; an error, the wrong thing. The value of an action is measured by 'mistakes'. Where there is a great action there'll be a great 'mistake', but 'mistakes' show us what we need to learn. If there are no 'mistakes' there is no chance to learn.
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