The mason was so scared and begged the king not to kill him. He said that it wasn't his fault. The pot he used was so big that he had mixed the clay with too much water. The potter should be punished for this. The king thought for a moment and summoned the potter to the palace.
The potter begged the king not to execute him. He told the king that while he was making the pot a woman kept walking up and down the road and smiling at him. He was distracted and couldn't make the pot properly. So the potter told the king that the woman should be punished.
The woman was summoned. She was horrified and expalained why she had walked past the potter's workshop several times. She had given some gold to a jeweller to make a necklace. But the jeweller hadn't finished the necklace in time. So she had to go there several times until he had completed his work. The jeweller should be punished.
The king thought about it and ordered the jeweller to come to the palace.
The king ordered the jeweller executed by being trampled to death by an elephant.
The jeweller was a thin, bony man. He thought for a moment and told the king that the elephant would be hurt if he trampled his body. But he said that he knew a fat shopkeeper who could be easily trampled. The king thought it was a good idea and ordered the shopkeeper to be brought to the palace and executed.
So a man was punished who didn't know anything about the crime.
This site was very helpful for me as a student.
I love too
Very helpful thanks millions
I was fortunate to find this story at a time when I wanted to read. Thanks a lot for uploading.
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