
There have been three major technological revolutions: Industrial, Electronics & Telecommunications and Information Technology. But the next is going to be Nanotechnology.

The word "nano" is related to a word meaning "dwarf". I am not a scientist and I am not going to give an explanation of nanotechnology. According to what I have found out every object we use is made of atoms and molecules. But in these objects the atoms and molecules are not arranged in order. If we arrange them in order they will be more durable, powerful and valuable. The technology we use to arrange them is called nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology is a huge topic for research and study. I have learnt that nanotechnology can be applied to almost every field: medicine, textiles, IT, manufacturing etc.

I have also learnt that in the future, by using nanotechnology, doctors will be able to destroy cancer cells without harming normal cells. I am happy that Sri Lanka is going to develop nanotechnology with its own experts.

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